Help Keep our Community Clean & Safe
The City Heights Business Association provides services to remove graffiti, trash, and other street hazards within our Maintenance Assessment District. This work is performed by our Clean & Safe Program staff, who spend upwards of 40 hours per week responding to issues reported by vigilant business owners and residents in our community.

Maintenance services include:
Trash Removal
Sidewalk Sweeping
Powerwashing Sidewalks & Bus Shelters
Graffiti Removal
Maintenance Boundaries
Maintenance services are provided throughout the City Heights Maintenance Assessment District, covering University Avenue from Interstate 805 to 50th street and segments of 37th Street, Central Avenue, 43rd Street, and Fairmount Avenue.
Make a Maintenance Request
If you are aware of a maintenance or safety issue within the City Heights Maintenance Assessment District please let us know by filling out the form below.
In some cases, we will need your formal authorization to perform our work. These include:
Graffiti removal on private property
Removing graffiti on your property requires your written consent.
Trespass arrest authorization
Your authorization is required to allow the San Diego Police Department to enter your private property and arrest trespassers on your behalf.
You may email these completed forms to, or you can upload them using the form below.
Once we receive your submission, we will review your report and determine the best course of action for your concern. In most cases we will either add your concern to our schedule of maintenance work or, if your request is beyond our team's capabilities, we'll refer your concern to the City of San Diego through the Get It Done App.